A Tree and Three Thousand Realms | 2020
概念藝術 Concept Art
竹・木條・紙 bamboo, wood stick, paper
685 x 433 x 520cm
戶外的圓形廣場移植了與藝術家對望十年的一棵陰香樹(Cinnamomum burmanii)。這棵樹原植在藝術家的正門外,每天經過家門均與它擦身而過,直至搬家以後,發覺家的氣味有所缺失,此時才意識到它的重要性。為了追尋味道,天天回到原地,一邊回味空氣中的淡然清香,一邊畫下素描畫作,專心一致地畫下了三千多張作品。「三千亦有世界的意思,三千大千世界即是宇宙,故作品取名為我樹三千。十年以來,每天繪畫時,均思考着我和樹木與我和世界的關係。」藝術家如是說。
A batavia tree is transplanted in the centre of a round, outdoor foyer. The tree used to be growing right across the front door of the artist’s residence. Only after the artist moved out of the house did she realize what was missing - a unique scent from the tree.The artist would go back to the front of the house every day and draw a sketch of the tree, as an act of reminiscence and appreciation. After ten years, over three thousand sketches have been produced, an intimate relationship has been built between a person and a tree. In Buddhist terminology, “Three thousand realms” loosely translates to “the universe”. Every day for ten years, the artist sketched the tree while pondering its relationship with the world.
A sensational experience from nature is created through the installation, thus creating air convection which lets the sea breeze in.